Saturday, 9 April 2011


Hey guises,
Zoe, Tiffany, and Tiffany's ooooold brosif (Spencer) here. Whuddup homie g's?
So, tonight we decided to play taboo (yes, I'm spending the night here, hence why this is being written at like 2 AM) And it was my first time.
Let me be the first to say - Holy. Shit.
We played it kind of in a different way though; instead of with partners, we managed to play with three people. However, since we're all retarded little goofballs, the game was AMAZINGLY FUN.
We had some reaaaaally funny situations. Some examples, you may ask?

Situation One:
Spencer : What lives under water, is incredibly sexy, but you cannot physically have sex with it?
Tiffany: MERMAIDS!

Situation Two :
Spencer : If Edward Cullen couldn't have sex for the rest of his life, he'd have to do this to Bella?
Tiffany : ???
Spencer : It's a thing at the end of your arm...

Situation Three :
Spencer : Okay, so it's REALLY awesome if you do this..

Bro, I swear, I've never felt so appreciated in my LIFE.
But yes, Taboo is now officially my favourite game. I don't know how I ever managed to survive on this earth without having ever played it before.

Anyway, I've decided to turn towards the "hipster" way of life. It's quite wonderful, however life is so much more difficult. I have to dress like a freak, pretend to have liked Justin Bieber before he became popular, I have to talk weirdly (Hungry Zoe is hungry..), eat chocolate covered cauliflower, and stop breathing as much (because breathing is too mainstream, of course.) Okay, well, most of that was a joke, however I am insanely "unique" looking today. (light skinnies, a tie for a belt, a plaid shirt, a few necklaces, headphones as a bracelet, shoelace as a bracelet, many more bracelets, jimmi hendrix converse) LOL. But I have awesome hair, so I couldn't care less. :) {not that I'm cocky or anything, psssssssssssssh} A little self confidence never hurt anyone :)
But yes, here's a picture of my best friend and I :
We're just so hot. I know. It's hard to contain the extreme hotness. <That was sarcasm, by the way.  :) But yes, this is what best friends look like. We've basically been friends since the beginning of school. I had just moved into town, and I didn't really know anyone. We were waiting for the music teacher to come open the class door, and she approached me and said "Hey, I'm Tiffany. I think you have really pretty eyes. Just saying. And I really love your hair. And I think we should be friends, coz everytime I see you, I think 'hey, that girl looks awesome, we should be friends!'" At first, I thought she was either some total creep, or some genuinely really nice person, but I figured that it was the second.. But, since I was so desperate for friends, I replied "I love the purple in your hair! And I think you're really pretty. I agree, we should be friends." And here we are, best friends. I honestly couldn't have imagined a better friend to have. We have SO much in common, and we do the stupidest stuff together.
On the topic of people that I really love, and am SOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOOOO happy to have in my life...
This is my boyfriend, Danny :) We've been through a lot in the amount of time that we've been together. Everything we've dealt with has made us stronger as a couple, and I'm insanely happy to have him in my life. But yeah, I really love this picture because he actually smiled (he usually NEVER smiles in pictures; I still have no idea how I managed to catch one.) He looks so freaking adorable when he smiles. He's the type of person that I wish would always smile; every second of every day, because it's just that amazing. He's a really good guitar player, which I love, because I'm really into singing, and it allows us to do songs together. However, I used to be REALLY nervous to sing in front of him. I actually didn't sing in front of him until last night, when he was over. Danny, being the mean person that he is, told me that he refused to hug me for the rest of the night, unless I sang a verse from "She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty" for him. After about half an hour of me, trying to convince him otherwise, I eventually gave in, and sang it. Shockingly, he actually really liked it. So, from now on, I'm singing for him anytime. I've finally gotten over my fear! But yeah, Danny's really great. He fits in really well with my family too, which is very important to me. Things are just perfect ! <3
Anyways, it's SUPER DUPER late, so I'm going to head to bed! (Or maybe just /b/ some more?)
I'll blog again later this week :)
Thanks guys!

-Zoe <3

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


This, is me.
Confused, Creative, Clumsy, Immature, Interesting, Young, Impressionable, Disillusioned Me.
I'm myself, regardless of anything that will ever happen in my life.
I'm currently trying to change, to fit the mould of what another's wishes. I know people tell you not to change for anyone, but this is different. This is necessary. I need to try. It will not only help me, on my struggle towards adult hood, but help those who I love the most.
I'm Off


Thursday, 31 March 2011

Mr. Nobody...

This.  Movie.  Is.  So.  Freaking.  TRIPPY.
Okay, so I'm currently watching this movie called "Mr. Nobody." It's absolutely insane. It's basically just about the year 2092, where this REALLY old dude named Nemo Nobody becomes quasi-immortal. He's just speaking of his life to a reporter. The plot uses scientific elements like the Big Bang Theory, the Superstring theory, and a few other theories about parallel universes. The movie switches back and fourth from two different lives, basically. In the first, his parents divorce, and he moves with his mom, and in the second, he stays with his dad. It shows how life can change drastically by one decision.
Anywho, enough of my nerd rant. Today, I had a weird breakthrough moment, I suppose. I started actually THINKING, instead of just doing. Shocking, I know. For those of you reading this who do not know me, I'm not exactly the type of person who thinks things through before I say things, or plans anything. I kind of just say whatever is on my mind, and take life as it comes.  I don't live for any other day but today. But today, I actually just sat, and I thought. I thought about absolutely everything imaginable. I made dreams, and hopes for my future. I thought about those who I love. I dissected each aspect of my life, and studied it in full detail. I've come to the conclusion, that my life is actually pretty great.
Most people my age just complain, and whine, and are just kind of ridiculous about their lives. Even people who are so incredibly fortunate do this. They don't realize how lucky they really are.  But, I'm starting to.
This probably sound pretty lame, haha.
Anyways, something kind of cool happened earlier this week. So, here's the whole story:
Around mid-October, I sat next to this girl Taylor in my Geography class. She was, and still is, a very good friend of mine. She's one of those people that you just automatically like, due to her positive energy and overly colourful wardrobe. Anyway, we would pass notes during class, talking about the usual teenage topics (school, boys, friends, etc) and we asked advice. We would do this everyday, all class long. It got to a point where we had notebooks full of our stories, our daily adventures, and drawings of our friends. During this point in time, I'd been writing about Danny. I wrote about how similar we are. I wrote about how adorable he was. I wrote about how unique he was.  I was definately falling for him, but I was too scared to share these feelings with anyone else. Unfortunately, a little jerkface (he's not actually a jerk, but at the time I was upset) stole all of our notes, and shared them with his friends. However, he didn't know Danny, so I wasn't too worried at the time. Anywho, it's been like 5 months and I had actually forgotten about those notes.  A few days ago, while packing up my books and such into my backpack, the "jerkface" approached me and started talking about the notes. As he kept talking, I started to remember all that I had written.  My entire thought process was recorded into those notes, and suddenly it all came back to me.  I told "jerkface" that I'd been in a relationship for the past 3 months, and a big smile crept on to his face, and jerkface gave me a hug. He said that he knew that this would happen, and that he was really happy.  So, for the record, "jerkface" is no longer a jerkface. He's just Alex. :)
Anyways, I thought that was kind of cool..Don't know why I shared it with all of you, but it was just on my mind.
But yes, my movie is still playing so I've got to get back to that, and I'm going to message Danny :)
I'll blog again tomorrow, when it's FRIDAY, and I'm getting down.
Bye Bloggers,

-Zoe :) xx

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Whuddup with that?

Hey Bloggers,
Today's post is just basically about teenagers and their ridiculous "beef."

So, I go to this Asian school (not actually Asian, but like...a smart-people school, with tons of multiculturalism.) Anyways, we have A LOT of unnecessary drama lately, which I believe is really just plain immature and stupid. Both guys and girls love "starting shit" or "having beef" with people, and I fail to realize why? People actually seem to WANT "haters."
I just think it's immature. Like, third graders fight, for the love of god. In a few years, all of us highschoolers are going to be adults, with jobs and families. When you have a problem with a coworker, are you going to start gossip about them, and call them "cuntfaces"? No. Well, you might, but if you do, you'll definately be fired or something. And families? If you get mad at your kids for not doing their homework or something, are you going to just go up and punch them in the face? The sad thing is that this actually happens a lot. The main reason this happens is because people act like this when they're young, and they never end up changing. So instead of learning to grow up, they punish their children unfairly. The result of this is some pretty messed up kids, and them becoming bad parents. Then their kids will learn from them and it will just continue forever. So it's basically just like...RUINING THE WORLD, PEOPLE. So seriously, cry me a fucking river, build me a bridge, and get over it.
To be 100% brutally honest, if someone calls you a slut to your face, that means that a lot of other people are doing it behind your back as well. I'm not really one to talk badly about people, but being a highschooler, I'm exposed to it all of the time. I hear people saying things that make me feel like the world is going in a downwards spiral. If this is seriously how people talk, maybe we're not so great after all.
But yes, as I said, I'm not one to talk "shit," and I'm not at all involved in any drama going on at school, so NO, I don't understand why it works, nor do I even want to though.
Today, after school, I saw a really pretty and nice girl that I knew, walking down the hallways, almost in tears because some other girls wanted to fight her, and were being really bitchy. She was scared out of her mind.
Like, seriously people, what's up with that?
Also, all teenagers want to be accepted by adults and be treated as one, but how are they going to treat us like THAT, when we act like THIS?
Going to sound really nerdy right now, but why can't we honestly all just be friends? And if not friends, why can't we at least get along? If you have a mean thought, there's no need to share it with all of Facebook and Formspring.
Anyways, serious rant over, I'm not really in that mood anymore LOL.
School really is a bummer. Lately, I've had no real dreams or anything. It's just HOMEWORKHOMEWORKHOMEWORK. I haven't listened to music in at least a day...I'm pretty sure that school has corrupted me, in the worst way possible. And come on bro, waking up at 6:30 is not my cup of tea -.-
Anywho, another band that I kind of got into lately : Tegan and Sara. Their album "The Con" is actually really beast, so all of you should check them out sometime!
On a really positive note, I have had over 1000 blog views (as of the last time I checked - Monday night.) Sooo, thanks everyone! I'm feeling the love, yo. ESPECIALLY my viewers in England! Thanks for all the support! How 129 people from a totally other country have heard about my site is beyond me...but thanks anyways! It's really sick, and it's caused multiple smiley faces. :):):):):):):)
Anyways! I have a HAAAAA-UUUUUGE English assignment due tomorrow, so I'm going to get started with that!
Bye everyoneee! Thanks for reading Semi-Serious Blog #3 ;)


Saturday, 26 March 2011

Here Comes a Feeling You Thought You'd Forgotten...

Hey bloggers!
I apologize for not writing for the past...week, I think? I've been pretty busy with school and stuff, but I'll try to get back to blogging! :)
Anywho, I've been having a HUGE procrastination issue lately, so I'm just going to write a quick list of things that I need to do/accomplish for the rest of my weekend. Seeing as how I check my blog more often than I check my hand, I think it'd be smart to just do it on here...Feel free not to read it if you're not a pedofile :)
- record the song "Dance With My Father" on piano, and burn a CD for my amazing father <3
- sing "Happy" by Nevershoutnever for Danny, and stop feeling so guilty for being too shy to do it before
- work on gym assignment and draw people
- make a recording of the bass part of this lame song and send it to the music teacher
- plan my future
- make a dinosaur costume
- complete all other homework, without complaining, and clean my room
- attempt to eat the food that my father makes without chocking or dying
Anyways, I've actually kind of felt like...inspiration-less lately? I don't know why, but I think it's because school is constraining my normal creative brain flow? Like seriously, I'm at this weird state where I haven't told a joke in what seems like forever...I don't even use sarcasm anymore!
But yeah! I just realized that you guys don't actually know like ANYTHING about me? Just the occassion rant gives away little hints. Butttt, here's some random shit about mee :
My backgrounds? British, Slovak, Ukranian, Greek.
Who do I stalk? Why, tons of people! ;) You better hide yo kids and hide yo wife. I rape everyone out there.
What do I do in my free time? FAP. KIDDING, I write, play drums/guitar/bass/piano/ukulele, write poetry, chill with the Feather Hat Guy, listen to "hipster" music (cuz I'm just THAT "in")
What music do I like? Kurt Cobain, The Shins, The Apples in Stereo, Spoon, The Decemberists, New Society of Anarchists, School Boy Humour, The Acacia Strain, etc
Weird eating habbits? Off again/on again vegetarian, I eat sprinkles and cake frosting and whipped cream (my boyfriend thinks thats weird? PSH!)
Movies? Only black and white, yo ;D
Other odd habbits? I'm a total creep.  I find pictures of old ladies dressed/done up as drags to be HILARIOUS. I like odd sized toes. My hands are always like purple-ish because I have really poor circulation. I can play piano for 6 hours a day without finding myself bored. I like taking long bubble baths while listening to screamo...I speak a few languages. I have an obsession with rhinosauruses.
AND, I always ask myself, if a zebra and an elephant had sex, who would be on top? And I still wonder that to this very day..
Anywaaaaaaays, enough about me, I have some funny pictures to show you!

LMFAO, okay, well my boyfriend showed me this first one. It's totally beast, I know. I just can't get over how too-legit-to-quit it is!
 He also showed me this one...Another too-legit-to-quit moment. This is why I love him :') We're completely random, nerdy, retarded picture fans together. <3
AAAAAND, this one I just found on my own, while browsing though Google, (no, I do not look up boners, I just looked up "random" or "funny" or something.) But yeah, I obviously don't know if this is legit or not, because:
1) I do not have a dick
2) I don't creep mens washrooms
But I think it could be, and it'd be super funny. Maybe guys washrooms have some ugly picture above the urinals or whatever to calm a guy down? Or maybe they can pee with boners? I'll truly never know....

Anyways, I think I'm off for the night! Enough blogging for today, I still need to get used to it! It's been far too long.
Yet again, I blame school for all of this. It's stupid, and it drains awesome 14 year olds like me of their creative, unique, and fucked up little brains! Especially boring teachers like Bagel and the old man, as I believe I've mentioned in the past.
Good night all,
Sweet dreams, thinking about dying fetuses and stuff (unless I'm the only one that thinks about that? :$)

- Zoe! <3

Monday, 21 March 2011

April Prepares Her Traffic Light,

And the world thinks.....Go.

Is it actually spring already, you may ask? Why yes. It is. Actually, yesterday was the first day.
The snow's slowly disappearing, the birds are returning to their usual summer spots, and the flowers are blooming again.
Haha. That sounded so cheesy. I'm sorry, I really just had to say that.
Anyways, I was thinking about spring today, and I think it's actually my favourite season? I mean common, it's not TOO hot, not TOO cold. The sluts haven't started stripping yet. The gross teenage sweaty smell hasn't come out yet. Things are just good.
But yeah, today was actually a pretty good day, you know, other than the fact that I have band in the morning. It started at 7:15...which means that I have to leave at 7, and I have to wake up at 6:30. Fun stuff, hey?!
Welcome back to school, kiddos.
Too tired to write anything tonight actually,
I'm out.
Bye bloggers <3 xx



Hey y'all. I'm at school right now (badass, I know, they didn't block blogger.)
Anywho, I'm doing this boring PowerPoint assignment, but as you can see, I'm quite distracted. It's not really my "cup of tea."
Sooo, can't talk for long, because my teacher will soon find out what I'm doing and I'll be SCREWED.
I'm actually doing well in this class, for some reason...?
But yeah, just wanted to talk about my day at school :)
This morning, in gym, we played European handball, and I just wanted to let everyone know, that it is NOT at all European. It's just really stupid, and really boring, and a typical "girl sport." (totally not epic, I'd much rather be blogging..)
But yes, we had to do all these boring drills and stuff, but I spent the whole time talking to my best friend, Tiffany. She said that I made her stomach hurt, so I asked if I gave her butterflies ;) Apparently, I only give her one, and it makes really weird wing gestures, that make the gym teacher say that she's "quite the interesting kiddo." Anywaays, I now have a new found hatred for this sport, and wish to never play it again. Why can't chicks do football? I think it'd be fun. We did it at my old school, too! But I just ran away, because I can't catch and/or throw balls without someone getting seriously injured. But hey, I had fun running?! :)
And then in science, we watched Bill Nye The Science Guy. I think I have a crush on him :$ His nerdiness is just too irresistable! Hopefully, I get over it though, because I'm pretty sure he's married....(yes, someone actually married THAT.)
And now I'm just here, chillin, in business. And I just dropped my phone like two seconds ago, but it's still alive!
I should probably get going,
sorry this was such a boring blog, but eh, I'm at school. You can't blame me for being a non-energetic, not-at-all-rebecca-black-like chick who has nothing to talk about!
Boring day so far,
I'll blog again tonight, when I hopefully get a slurge of inspiration, and just HAVE to talk about it,
Bye bloggers,
Love you all, in a non pedophiliac manner,

-Zoe  :) xx

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Make Me A Sammich, Bitch!

Hey guise,
Just wanted to apologize for pulling you into my life so much, y'know, with those two depressing blogs..This whole blog is supposed to be about music and nuns, not
But, for those of you who do want to know, yes, things are better now, and everything is back to its amazing original state of happiness. -insert adorable little smiley face-

Haha, but yeah, today I'm going to talk about stereotypes with men and women, because this morning, my dad drove into my mums car, and it was HIS fault! Shocking, I know. AND, he blamed my mom for leaving her car in the driveway, because it's always the woman's fault, right? Wrong. So, I would like to discuss how sometimes, sexist stereotypes ARE incorrect.

For example, here's some stereotypes about women, and reasons why I disagree/agree:
- they're all bitchy -> Okay, yes. Some women can be bitchy, but not ALL of us are. At one point or another, yes, we will bitch at you, but the good women only do it when there's actually a reasoning behind it. It only really happens when we're PISSSSSED. Or, if we're on our period. So please bare with us, in that circumstance.
- they're all overly emotional -> I do agree with this one, but it's only because of our chemical makeup. All women are going to be more emotional than men. However, are we really overly emotional? Or are you men just overly emotionless?
- can't fix anything mechanical -> It depends on the circumstances. In my household, my dad is the one who does the mechanical work, yes, but my mom still knows how to. My dad just does it because he's trying to seem like a gentleman. And me? I am actually pretty good with it...Women can do this.
- don't know how to make basic household repairs -> Liesssss. We're not all thick, you know.
- obsessed with looks -> Yes, we will spend a lot of time trying to make ourselves look good, but it's not because we're obsessed with ourselves or anything. We're just trying to look better for our men, to make you all happy, and feel proud.

- great at cooking -> Not always, but usually, yes. :) You got a problem, asshole? YOU make your own food. Men should be more thankful...
- maternal -> Not all women. I know at least 20 that would be terrible with kids. But yet again,  for the ones who are maternal, that's a good thing. So, we do have some good stereotypes.
- nurturing -> True, for a lot of women.
- uninterested in sports -> NOT TRUE. Some women do actually like sports. For me, I hate playing them, but I LOVE watching them...
- can't play video games -> Yes, we suck at them, but at least we try.
- talk too much -> Haha, guilty. This is why more women, than men, have online blogs, such as this one. We LOVE ranting about useless things.
- don't like sex -> Lies...we just don't stay horny for hours on end, like you men. We have about a one hour patch, where we're into it, then we just get tired. Sorry, men. Take advantage of it while it lasts though, I guess?

Now, some stereotypes about men..These may not be AS accurate, because obviously I'm not of the male gender, but I do have a boyfriend, and lots of male friends, and a father, so I do know quite a bit.. :
- obsessed with sex -> I wouldn't go so far as saying OBSESSED. Yes, I suppose they do like it, but it's not like any sort of obsession, in most cases. Only like sex addicts, but women can be those too.
- love cars -> Not with all men...I do kind of like it though when men actually take care of theirs, and have nice cars. Maybe women should care more?
- love sports -> Yet again, not all men. It depends on the circumstances. I think it's sweet when guys aren't TOO into them, though.
- drink beer -> Yes, some men drink beer, but women do too. We just don't get your ugly beer bellies :)
- sloppy -> Some guys, but not all. My room is a pig stye, and I'm a girl, so that doesn't say much. My boyfriend's actually a lot more organized than I am.
- can't cook - > Meh. Generally true. I'd love to see a guy make ME a sandwich.
- don't know how to care for themselves -> Haha pretty true. That's why women are here ;)

- insensitive -> Not really. Shockingly, a lot of guys actually do care about their girlfriends/wives, and can help out a lot. I actually find a lot of teenage girls to be really insensitive, and a lot of guys to be nicer and more understanding and helpful.
- aggressive -> True, for the most part. But just like being sensitive, it's how they're made up. I don't blame you men.
- boorish/rude -> Not always true. Some guys are actually really sweet.
- love potty humor and penis jokes -> Hahaha, quite true, actually. But so do women, we just generally try to refrain from laughing so that we don't sound like pigs.

Dear Women,
I think that we should be more thankful for men, and stop being so goddamn critical! Most of us always expect that all guys are jerks, but they're really not. Some of them are sweet, and nice, and they do try pretty hard. Not all of them cheat, or drink too much, or watch porn 24/7. Give them a flipping rest.

Dear Men,
Enough with the sandwich jokes. Yes, it was funny the first time. The second, might have been a laugh, but seriously, it's getting really immature. Please make some new jokes about us. It's getting old. You should also be less critical though. Like, telling us that we spend too long getting ready, and care about our looks too much? You should know that we're only trying to make you proud, to have such a well done up girlfriend. We honestly try our best, for you.

So, no. Not all stereotypes are true. Actually, a lot of them just revolve around the most assholish guy possible, and the biggest whore. People aren't always what others say they are. There's exceptions for everything.
Just be grateful when someone tries to treat you well. Don't expect the worse, because you'll have a horrible life..
PS: Give it a rest. We can't do everything.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Rebecca Black.... O_O

Okay, so today's post is about Rebecca Black.
As many of you may know, she is a 13 year old singer who's from California.
If you hear her song, Friday, you will realize that not everyone was cut out for song writing...This song makes me want to cut off my ears, chop them up into tiny little pieces, and feed them to obese sharks. Anyone who's either really into music, or who plays music or sings, knows just how lyrically horrible this song is.
I would just like to make it clear though, for the sake of this poor girl, that she did NOT write the song herself; two fellows named Clarence Jey and Patrice Wilson created it. BLAME THEM.
The only thing that's bad about Rebecca Black, is her so obviously hidden facial mole, and her alluring type of anti-charisma. Oh, and her horrible voice that sounds worse than choking squirrels calling out for their parents for help...and that's pretty bad.
The whole concept of the video is Rebecca Black's average Friday, which consists of her waking up, getting a ride to school with friends, and then going to a party or something, in a convertible. Shocking that she and her friends can drive, seeing as how she's 13?  I'm pretty sure that's illegal, Mr. Producers. Shame on you trying to influence young people to break the law! Also, she drives around with an older, large, black man. Creepy pedo much?

The song, and the music video, are both hilariously horrible. It is one of those rare times when no one really knows how to positively respond to it. The lyrics are very juvenille, and too repetetive.
Anywho, that's just my opinion. Feel free to comment, or email me, if you have anything to disagree about (even though I'm pretty sure that the whole world, other than Rebecca Black and her overly supportive mother, would agree with me.)

PS: this song actually is quite addictive though. I don't know why, but I just can't stop listening to it!
PSS: just listened to it again...realized that she says "gotta have my bowl." For some reason, I don't think she's talking about her cereal... O.o Girls don't normally act or sing like this under the influence. I think that this is the reasoning behind this whole thing. QUITE THE TRIP, MS. BLACK! ;)

Messed Up?

You know, that feeling, when you just mess up? And you only realize how badly you messed up once it's over? And then you try and try and  you try so freaking hard, to fix things. But, what if there's no way?
There's a certain point in every circumstance like this, where you honestly just need to stop TRYING. I know - every play school teacher will be mad that I said this, but in real life, some things just..get out of your control. There's only so much you can do to fix what's broken, and after that, you just need to wait.
To anyone who's reading this, who knows me VERY well, you probably know what I'm talking about, but for certain privacy reasons, I'm not going to share the whole story to everyone else.
Basically, things have been good for a while. A few months have past, and everything stayed the same; happy. And believe me, I've loved every second of it. But yesterday, I made a mistake. I risked everything, in attempts to help the person I love. Instead of helping, I made things worse. I caused more drama.  I caused tears. I caused sleepless nights.  I'm not really the type of person that intentionally hurts people; I'm the type that tries to keep everything all calm and chill. I love being happy, but I'm even happier when others are happy.
But yes, I ruined things, and if the certain person who this is all about reads this, I want you to know that I'm honestly incredibly sorry. I know that sometimes I just say this, well, just because I feel bad and I don't want people to be mad at me, but this is different. It's not all about me. It's about you.  I messed with you more than comprehendable. I was a complete jerk, and I love you.
But enough of me being sappy (no need to pull out the tampons and ice cream tubs.)
I just wanted to let everyone know, that sometimes things are out of your reach. Like me. I've done everything that I could. Now it's just hoping that things work out.
Anyone who's been in a relationship should understand this.
I really hope, and wish, and dream, that these things turn up. Sometimes, people just have a bad day, and say stupid stuff. That's just a part of life though. It probably happens to everyone.
Anywho, I'm out.
Thanks for reading. This is like the only serious blog I think I've ever wrote.
Bye bloggers.


Thursday, 17 March 2011

St. Patty's Day !!!

Yay. It's Saint Patrick's Day. Oh joy, this is surely my faaaaaavourite day of the year!!
In case you didn't realize, I was being sarcastic. I'm not really a fan of the day. You see, Saint Patrick's Day just reminds me of three things:
1) I'm not at all Irish. I'm British, and we have no cool holidays.
2) I do not have any green socks.
3) I'm under the legal drinking age in Canada, so thus the day is not AS awesome as it would be if I were older. You know?
But also, I dunno, it just seems like a kind of pathetic excuse to drink until you green all over, and it seems pretty classless. I mean, when you see guys do it, it's like "Oh okay. He's a dude. He'll just have a fun time and end up acting like a lion or a gorilla later on and puking on the sidewalk." But when it's a girl, she just seems so know???
Maybe I just see things differently from everyone else. I just don't find it to be such an awesome some stuff happened with someone who's really close to me, and I'm not sure if things are going to be alright, but I really hope that they do...
But back to Saint Paddy's Day. Is it really all that it is cracked up to be? Yes, it's a great excuse to get ripped on a Thursday, but when you really think about it, is it that big of a deal?
First of all, EVERYONE wears green on St. Pats, but like, how many "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" shirts or variations of that do you have to see before you want to use your fist to do the kissing?! It can become incredibly annoying after a while, but on the upside, it is the one day of the year where the Incredible Hulk can blend in..?
In reality though, there's only 10 things that REAAAAAAALLY suck about St. Paddy's Day:
1) I
2) Am
3) Not
4) Of
5) 19
6) Years
7) Of
8) Age
9) And what's up with Canada picking 19 of all freaking ages?
10) Green. Come on now.
TSK TSK. Come on Canada! Loosen up! ;)
Off to watch a movie,
Byebye Bloggers!
Hope you had a fun,  but responsible Saint Patrick's Day!!

-Zoe  xx

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

My Favourites Bar ;)

Okay, well you know how when you're on the Internet, there's that little bar that's all like...Favourite-y? It has like two stars on it (awesome, I know.) Anywho, I just checked mine today, and I'm feeling uber cool. Why, you may ask?
You probably can't see all of them, unless you have super vision. But basically, this is it:
- The Complete Works of Shakespeare
- Dogpile WebSearch (my preferred browser)
- COD - Black Ops
- Star
- Wikipedia
- Online Ukulele Tuner.

Oh yes, I know, I'm cool.
Anywho, I'm feeling really terrible now, because I've realized that I change my personality like every two seconds, for no reason. And the worst thing is, that I do this the most to the people that I love the most. For example, Danny has seen me through all of my phases. Yet, somehow he's dealt with it all pretty well? I probably wouldn't be able to deal with someone as quirky and out of place as myself, but then again, that's just me. So, Danny, if you're reading this, I just wanted to say thank you. You've honestly helped me through everything, and I'm really, really amazingly glad to have someone as special as you in my life.
But yeah, sudden break-through. It was kinda weird.
Anyways, I just watched this kinda sick movie called Hereafter, I think? Has anyone seen it? I thought it was kinda cool, but it got really bad reviews for some reason.
This guy reminds me of my dad for some reason. No idea why. My dad's actually not this nerdy or anything. I mean yeah, he wears glasses, and he has kinda dorky hair, and he has one of those overly professional jobs that's hard to understand, but, still. There's just something about him, and it's pretty cool. Oh, and my dad kinda dresses nerdily, but it's okay. I still love my dad. He's beast.
My mums way more fashionable and "with it" than he is though. She used to be a fashion designer, but now she's a realtor, however, she's still cool. She's even quirkier than I am!

I just found this,and literally began "ROFL-ing" this is a rare occasion for me, but boy was it ever epic! 
Anyways, I've been thinking lately. Amazing, huh? I am blonde after all. But yes, back to thinking. Imagine what would happen if no one could ever get undressed, unless someone else used their teeth to get their clothes off!? Like, I'm talkin, EVERYONE. Babies, old people, obese men with wrinkly arms and a flubby stomach that looks like it's already eaten the babies AND the old people? What would life be like? I mean, strip clubs wouldn't have to exist. Men would [hopefully] stay loyal to their wives, and vice versa! I know this probably sounds very perculiar, but hey, I am a ZOE, afterall, and weird things do go through my head when I'm very tired, and have spent a whole day looking for random pictures on google, and looking at weird articles on wikipedia {the love.} But just try to imagine it, please. I think it'd be HILARIOUS!
Weird things that have gone through my brain today?
- this.
- a cat with green whiskers.
- life without toilet paper.
- satanic cats that look similar to smurfs.
Quite the life!
I'm out everyone; Internet's gonna shut off in a sec.
BUT, before I go,
I'd just like to wish a very happy birthday to my friend, Corina. She's awesome, just sayin.
Okay! That's all!
Good night interwebbers!


The Fish

The Fish is dead.
I. Killed. The Fish.
Poor, innocent little Fish, is now dead, thanks to me.
It looked sad. If fish could cry, Fish would have been.  Fish lived it's whole life in my closet, in that little tupperware container. It never moved, and it never ate.
At the time, I didn't feel so bad, but thinking back to it, I realize that I'm a murderer. I took an innocent life.
But I hadn't wanted it to suffer, and seeing it so sad hurt far too much.
I know that I'm a terrible mother, but I flushed Fish down the toilet, alive. I'm quite disturbed over it. The whole ordeal is quite traumatizing. Anywho, I just came to confess my sins. If I were Catholic or something, I'd do it to the priest guy, but since I'm not, I'm just blogging about it. I feel horrible.

R.I.P.  Fish.

I'd like to say that I loved you, but I'd be lying...

I know that I'm a terrible human being, but hey, I'm just not the motherly type I guess...

The Coolest Blog Entry...EVAAAAAAAARRRR .

Ohai derpfaces!! Zoe here.
SOOOO , I'm in a really great mood today! No more of that feels batman stuff! Cuz bro, it feels good, mang
Hahaha, I went to the doctors today, SO FUN. You have no idea....But I found out that "my heart is absolutely fantastic," which caused a big cheesy grin to appear on my birthmark-covered little face. LOL. But yes, for those of you who don't know, I have tons of birthmarks. I counted this morning, and there's at least like...6 on my face, but they're all in weird areas so I cover them with makeup...It looks horrible. 
On a happy note, today I'm going to celebrate randomness, with all of you interwebbers, by including lots of completely random pictures which I know will make you laugh your little faces off! And I will include a lot of pictures of bananas; I apologize, but they're just the most awkwardly shaped, tastiest, and dopest fruits in the world. You have to agree!

Okay, so this is a banana protective case. I just had to post it, sorry, but it's so cool! It's like a condom for bananas! Who agrees?
Sorry, I just had to include this one. I found it on 4chan and I laughed my ass off. Dude, this is so me....This is what you get from blogging all day...
-Zoe on vacation for 2 weeks-
-comes home-
Cellular: You have 3 new messages
Zoe: -troll face- YUSSSSSSSS. -checks messages-
Message 1 - Hey Zo, it's dad. Please remember to put away all your laundry when you get back...
Message 2 - Your rogers phone bill will be delivered by the end of the month.
Message 3 - Rogers would like to welcome you to the wonderful nation of America. Text message fees will now apply.
Just my homies............................................ ;)

I'd like to dedicate this picture to Garnet Smuczer. He's trolled me multiple times. I'm sure that he's really proud of my correct grammar and spelling right now. This one's to you, bud. :)

I think I'm done now :)
Byeee interwebbers ,



Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Better Bread With Water Than Cake With Trouble...

I have this book called "Keep Calm and Cary On" that's supposed to have all these inspirational quotes in it, right? So every-so-often, when I'm looking for something catchy, I'll go in the book, flip to a random page, and be satisfied. However, today, I came across the quote "Better bread with water than cake with trouble," and I don't understand it AT ALL.

I kind of get the impression that it means that, well, it's better to have two neutral things, that you don't really mind, than one that is really good, but comes with something that is really bad. If that makes any sense? I don't really know how to describe it, but for an example, it's like in relationships. It's better to choose the one that has nothing wrong with it, than the one with that [almost]- perfect guy, that has a really terrible flaw, because it's better to have a balance.
You know?
No, you probably don't. I'm not very good at explaining things. I'm sorry.
Anywho, I'm going to my friends house on Thursday, in a little town that's 4 hours away..We used to be best friends when we were younger, but as we got older, and my family started moving around a lot, we haven't been as close. But I'm really excited to go back and see him, because both him, and the rest of his family, are like my family. :) Hopefully it's not all awkward-turtle.
But yes, I'm off to the mall soon with my boyfriend, sooo, I'll blog again when I get home.
Have a great march break, interwebbers,

-Zoe :)

Monday, 14 March 2011

Current State of Mind. . .

Euh. Having a pretty bad day now.
All of my friends are out, having fun, and I'm stuck here at home, with nowhere to go, and nothing to do.

Yuck. If anyone feels like coming to my house and swooping me up and taking me out to dinner or something, that'd be cool, you know.
Dude 1: Ohai there derpface...
Me: Who are youuu ?
Dude 1: Just Dude 1..I'm often mentioned in your blogs..I follow you...Not like a stalker or anything...Pssssh.
Me: Oh..hey. Why are you here???
Dude 1: You sounded desperate, so I came to help.. Wanna go out to a movie?
Me: c: Oh hellz yeah. Even though you're a creep...
-awkward turtle-

Bleh. I can't even type awesomely anymore..
Anywho, I wrote some sheet music to this song, Dance With My Father, (which is really close to my heart and makes me cry everytime I hear it,) about 5 months ago, and have been playing it the past month, but I only realized today that it's my copy, (I have two copies. One, I found on the Internet, the other, I wrote myself. But I thought it was the first one. Comprendo?)
And I was playing it a few minutes ago, and realized that there's one measure which has a whole note for treble clef, that's notes are 15 keys apart from each other. Then, of course, I go on Facebook and make a status about how whoever wrote it did a lousy job...

It's not hilarious.



Hey world,
Just wanted to clear up that I do NOT actually have sphenisciphobia, and I have nothing against penguins or nuns (I honestly am not sure which one it even stands for.. everyone says something different about it :$ ); I just needed a title and found this catchy.
Just making sure you all know that! I'm actually quite the fan of penguins...and nuns are chill I guess.

Penguins are just adorable. I mean come on, who does not love this?
Penguins have tons of awesome jokes to, such as :
Q: How do Penguins drink their cola?
A: On the rocks.
Q: Why don´t you see Penguins in Britain?
A: Because they´re afraid of Wales.
A penguin's driving when all of a sudden his car breaks down.
He waddles into a garage and asks the mechanic to look at his car.
The mechanic says, "Leave the car with us and come back in an hour."
The penguin waddles off. On his way he sees an ice-cream van and buys an ice-cream. A messy eater, he gets the ice-cream all over his face and flippers.
On his return to the garage, the penguin says to the mechanic, "What seems to be the problem?"
The mechanic says, "It looks like you've blown a seal."
The penguin says, "No, it's only ice-cream."

See? I don't have a fear of penguins... :D

^ YUM.
Kidding, I'm not a lesbian, and even if I were I wouldn't go for these chicks. (Not that I have anything against nuns, they're just not really my type.)
And they like live for God or whatever, so I guess that's cool.
Nun jokes, you ask? Why yes, I do have some..
What kind of fun does a priest have?

What is the definition of something suspicious?
-A nun doing press-ups in the cucumber field.

What's black-and-white-and-black-and-white-and-black-and-white-and-black-and-white-and-black-and-white-and-black-and-white-and-black-and-white-and-black-and-white-and-black-and-white?
- A nun falling down the stairs....OR a penguin
See, I could never have any problem with either of these. Yes, they are both similar in their colours, but they're both freakin awesome.
Anywho, I'm cereally going this time. Foreal, yo.
Later n00bs :)

-Zoe <3

May the force be with you!

Yo dawg. I'm back. There's nothing more to do so I'm just popping by on here again.
Just found all of my Star Wars DVDs in a cardboard box under my nana's couch. I'm psyched. Star Wars movie marathon tonight, bro. Anyone wanna join?
On the topic of Star Wars, I just wanted to confess, that yes, I am a huge fan (as you can probably tell.) I have a huge celebrity crush on Frank Oz (the guy who does the voices of Yoda.) It's beast.
And on the topic of Yoda, I have a Yoda backpack. This is it:

It's beast, I know, and you're jelly obviously. But I can't wear it to school because there's barely any space XD It just looks awesome to hang around town with a big furry green guy on your back. :)
But yeah, Star Wars is possibly the greatest film ever made, in my mind, because I think that really the whole saga is insanely creative and exciting. I'm emotionally invested in Luke Skywalker. Legit.
I really dislike ranking all six movies, because my opinions always change as time passes. They are all made really well, and to serve their purpose: the series forms a giant epic: the rise, the fall, an the redemption of Anakin Skywalker. The first three in the series all have to do with Anakin's fall from grace, and how the Galactic Republic turns into the Galactic Empire (BAD.) And the last three ones focus on Luke Skywalker and how he redeems his father while the Rebel Alliance corrupts the Empire, freeing the galaxy! This saga is an amazing epic of mythological proportions.
But I'd have to say that I really do love The Return of the Jedi.
Anyways, I'm out.
I'll blog again tonight, and maybe be even more nerdtastic than I currently am. My retainer, glasses, and Star Wars rants are just too much to handle, I know ;)
Haha :D
Buh-bye bloggers :)


Some more indietronica?

Okay, well I was youtubing again today, and came across another awesome indietronica band called Caribou. Just thought I'd share. The dude's real name is Daniel Snaith, and he's a beast with the synths. So, listen to the song Odessa by him if you ever get a chance! It's totally psychadelic, yo.
Anyways, I started listening to Black Veil Brides again today...
I pretty much stopped being a fan when I was like...11, and gave up that annoying overly emotional adolescent phase, but now I like them again. And I know, I know - they're "wanna-be emo" or whatever you might wish to call it, but I actually like them. Like legit, their lyrics are pretty sick, and I LOVE their bassist. Feel free to make fun of me... :)
Hehe but yeah, there's not too much to blog about today, so I'm just going to start ranting on about my awesome sauce boyfriend. If you're a dude, you probably shouldn't read any further, because I'm incredibly sappy and will probably piss you off. Or, if you're single, I may bother you. If so, I apologize, but hey, I did warn you ;)
But yes, I'm dating this guy called Danny and we got together December 26, 2010 (Yes, I know that it is Andy Sixx's birthday, and yes, I agree that it's freaking awesome.) Anywho, he's just about the most adorable boy IN THE WORLD, and he's my older man ;) And zomg, you should have seen what he did on Valentine's Day :) He left a rose and a reaally amazing poem at my door (which I still have, and read everyday :$ ) and at the end of the poem it was all like
"Ps: check your garage :) "
Soo, I go in there, and surely, there he is, with the cutest little smile on his face. It was just really perfect. :) He knows me too well hehe.
Anyways, enough about relationships. Back to indietronica :)
I'd also like to talk about another band, Bear in Heaven. It's this band formed by Jon Philpot, and it's insanely trippy. The band is really psychedelic, and it's also kind of krautrock-ish, if you ask me. So yeah, totally check out those guys. They're pretty chill.
Anyways, I'm at my nana's and I should probably help her pack now... :)
Talk to you later, interwebbers,

- Zoe

Sunday, 13 March 2011

So, there's nothing to do so I'm just going to talk about this awesome picture. I came across it while on Google Images, and found it too awesome for comprehension. I mean, who doesn't want to be a cat, on an electric keyboard, floating around in space? That'd be so chill...
Dude 1: Yo brah, what are you doing, guy?
Cat: Oh just chillin' on my electric keyboard in outer space.
Dude 1: I'm jelly...
Hell to the yes. I want that cat.
Anyways, I also kind of want to talk about Tumblr. I hate how it's been overtaken by just about all of the norms right now. It used to be a place where the weird and unique kids could express their amazingness, but now it's just a place where people copy and paste images and hope to get a lot of random followers who don't even know them. Oh, and Formspring; I'm not a fan of that either. I mean, in reality, it's just people hiding behind a button, and either talking badly about someone, or doing that annoying-overly-complimenting-thing.

Situation 1:
Anon: Yo girl, you a piece of s%*#. You look like you're on drugs because your eyes are so f$^*ing small. You're such a @$*%.  Go get a $#*% life, and hop off my boyfriends dick.
Formspringer: Eww, get off my wall, b%*#@. You stupid anon, too chicken to show yourself. I don't even care what you think about me, you %*_#.  And I like your boyfriends dick . . . c:

Like, first of all, obviously you do care about what said person thinks about you, if you're actually wasting your time to respond to it. You end up looking even worse, and quite trashy.  Just get off.  Go.. :/

Situation 2:
Anon: oOoOoOhM@G@aAwd , guurlfriend, you so hawt! I'm jellin giiiiirl.! I loooove your eyes!
Formspringer: D'aaaaaawh. That's sweet. I bet you're beautiful too, even though I don't even know you, and for all I know you could be a homosexual banana... :D
Anywho, feeling pretty tired so I might actually try to go to bed now? :)
Byeee bloggers :) sweet dreams and all ,


ps: i like this rape tree . . . the dude at the bottom must be having an epic time... :) <3

For those of you who don't know... (:

Well hey there interwebers. ;) The name's Zoe. I've decided to write a blog, out of curiousity towards why so many people have them, and to learn about a new music genre. To be completely honest, I barely know anything about the indietronica genre, but I'm going to attempt to learn as much as possible about it as I continue this blog...
So, thanks to the love of my life, Wikipedia, I'm gonna tell you some awesome sauce information about this genre. Indietronica is a genre that originally developed in Germany in the late 90s. It's a mix between indie, electronica, rock, and pop. Some commonly used insturments in the indietronica genre are electronic keyboards, synths, samplers, and drum machines, (and possibly rain sticks?)
Haha anyways, I've been listening to some indie electronic music lately, and I'd just like to say, the following bands are freaking AWESOME, and I suggest that you youtube them whenever you get a chance:
- The Limousines
- Electric President
- The Postal Service
- Owl City
- Unicorn Kid
- Passion Pit
- Teenager
- The Faint
- I Heart Sharks

But yeah, just check those out if you're interested. As trippy as they might seem, these bands really start to grow on you...
In other news, I almost bought a shark today. Just felt like sharing, because it was flipping amazing, but the guy said that I couldn't because I don't own a fish tank that's 50 inches long...Bummer, eh? But I got this cute little misfit-like fish instead, and it's currently living in a tupperwear container in my closet because I'm not actually allowed to have a pet fish. And my best friend, Tiffany, bought three goldfish today, which are still lying in a plastic bag on the floor of my room, as they have been since noon. I have a feeling that I'll be an amazing parent someday. :) Kidding, please pray for my children.
But before that, we went out for sushi, to this awesome place in town that serves bubble tea. We ate mass amounts of sushi, until I realized that I'm a vegetarian, and it all contained fish. So we made an escape and rushed over to the beloved Mac's, and purchased like 4 packets of maltesers, a kit kat, and two banana popsicles, (I'm not actually a fatass; I just had to pay with debit and I'd feel guilty buying a dollar worth of stuff...)
But yeah, since I'm already way off topic, I think I'm going to talk to you about the sickest teachers of LIFE. I'm not going to name names (for security reasons...) but I'll call one of them the ThrashStache, one of them Bagel, and the other, AwesomeStudentTeacher. :) Haha okay, well, ThrashStache is my awesome English teacher who is incredibly flamboyent (if you catch my very obvious drift) and just makes life, and AwesomeStudentTeacher is this awesome student teacher that we had in English for the past 3 weeks or so. AwesomeStudentTeacher is also incredibly flamboyent (to the point of saying "oh, it's just a game, it's for 'funzies'") They tend to flirt a bit, and talk about clothing and such during class, and they like Justin Bieber... Oh, how I miss them both...
And Bagel is my math teacher. ENRICHED math...yeah that's right, I'm a white person in enriched. (not that I'm at all passing, but still, I try.) And he's a really sick dude even though he talks about strip joints and stuff.
Anywho, I think I'm done for today. I know that I got reaally off topic, and I apologize perfusely, but I just find my life to be incredibly sick sometimes, and when it is, I just have to share it with you interwebbers. :)
Sleep tight, y'all. :)