Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The Coolest Blog Entry...EVAAAAAAAARRRR .

Ohai derpfaces!! Zoe here.
SOOOO , I'm in a really great mood today! No more of that feels batman stuff! Cuz bro, it feels good, mang
Hahaha, I went to the doctors today, SO FUN. You have no idea....But I found out that "my heart is absolutely fantastic," which caused a big cheesy grin to appear on my birthmark-covered little face. LOL. But yes, for those of you who don't know, I have tons of birthmarks. I counted this morning, and there's at least like...6 on my face, but they're all in weird areas so I cover them with makeup...It looks horrible. 
On a happy note, today I'm going to celebrate randomness, with all of you interwebbers, by including lots of completely random pictures which I know will make you laugh your little faces off! And I will include a lot of pictures of bananas; I apologize, but they're just the most awkwardly shaped, tastiest, and dopest fruits in the world. You have to agree!

Okay, so this is a banana protective case. I just had to post it, sorry, but it's so cool! It's like a condom for bananas! Who agrees?
Sorry, I just had to include this one. I found it on 4chan and I laughed my ass off. Dude, this is so me....This is what you get from blogging all day...
-Zoe on vacation for 2 weeks-
-comes home-
Cellular: You have 3 new messages
Zoe: -troll face- YUSSSSSSSS. -checks messages-
Message 1 - Hey Zo, it's dad. Please remember to put away all your laundry when you get back...
Message 2 - Your rogers phone bill will be delivered by the end of the month.
Message 3 - Rogers would like to welcome you to the wonderful nation of America. Text message fees will now apply.
Just my homies............................................ ;)

I'd like to dedicate this picture to Garnet Smuczer. He's trolled me multiple times. I'm sure that he's really proud of my correct grammar and spelling right now. This one's to you, bud. :)

I think I'm done now :)
Byeee interwebbers ,



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