Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Whuddup with that?

Hey Bloggers,
Today's post is just basically about teenagers and their ridiculous "beef."

So, I go to this Asian school (not actually Asian, but like...a smart-people school, with tons of multiculturalism.) Anyways, we have A LOT of unnecessary drama lately, which I believe is really just plain immature and stupid. Both guys and girls love "starting shit" or "having beef" with people, and I fail to realize why? People actually seem to WANT "haters."
I just think it's immature. Like, third graders fight, for the love of god. In a few years, all of us highschoolers are going to be adults, with jobs and families. When you have a problem with a coworker, are you going to start gossip about them, and call them "cuntfaces"? No. Well, you might, but if you do, you'll definately be fired or something. And families? If you get mad at your kids for not doing their homework or something, are you going to just go up and punch them in the face? The sad thing is that this actually happens a lot. The main reason this happens is because people act like this when they're young, and they never end up changing. So instead of learning to grow up, they punish their children unfairly. The result of this is some pretty messed up kids, and them becoming bad parents. Then their kids will learn from them and it will just continue forever. So it's basically just like...RUINING THE WORLD, PEOPLE. So seriously, cry me a fucking river, build me a bridge, and get over it.
To be 100% brutally honest, if someone calls you a slut to your face, that means that a lot of other people are doing it behind your back as well. I'm not really one to talk badly about people, but being a highschooler, I'm exposed to it all of the time. I hear people saying things that make me feel like the world is going in a downwards spiral. If this is seriously how people talk, maybe we're not so great after all.
But yes, as I said, I'm not one to talk "shit," and I'm not at all involved in any drama going on at school, so NO, I don't understand why it works, nor do I even want to though.
Today, after school, I saw a really pretty and nice girl that I knew, walking down the hallways, almost in tears because some other girls wanted to fight her, and were being really bitchy. She was scared out of her mind.
Like, seriously people, what's up with that?
Also, all teenagers want to be accepted by adults and be treated as one, but how are they going to treat us like THAT, when we act like THIS?
Going to sound really nerdy right now, but why can't we honestly all just be friends? And if not friends, why can't we at least get along? If you have a mean thought, there's no need to share it with all of Facebook and Formspring.
Anyways, serious rant over, I'm not really in that mood anymore LOL.
School really is a bummer. Lately, I've had no real dreams or anything. It's just HOMEWORKHOMEWORKHOMEWORK. I haven't listened to music in at least a day...I'm pretty sure that school has corrupted me, in the worst way possible. And come on bro, waking up at 6:30 is not my cup of tea -.-
Anywho, another band that I kind of got into lately : Tegan and Sara. Their album "The Con" is actually really beast, so all of you should check them out sometime!
On a really positive note, I have had over 1000 blog views (as of the last time I checked - Monday night.) Sooo, thanks everyone! I'm feeling the love, yo. ESPECIALLY my viewers in England! Thanks for all the support! How 129 people from a totally other country have heard about my site is beyond me...but thanks anyways! It's really sick, and it's caused multiple smiley faces. :):):):):):):)
Anyways! I have a HAAAAA-UUUUUGE English assignment due tomorrow, so I'm going to get started with that!
Bye everyoneee! Thanks for reading Semi-Serious Blog #3 ;)



  1. Yes Zoe, I totally agree with your blog 100% (: What's fun about highschool when all there is is drama? Good point :P

  2. thanks :] and i know! it's so stupid. you'd think that people would be mature enough to realize that by now... ?

  3. Ikr? Espesially when people talk about other ppl behind their back, it is immature. And your welcome(:
