Sunday, 13 March 2011

So, there's nothing to do so I'm just going to talk about this awesome picture. I came across it while on Google Images, and found it too awesome for comprehension. I mean, who doesn't want to be a cat, on an electric keyboard, floating around in space? That'd be so chill...
Dude 1: Yo brah, what are you doing, guy?
Cat: Oh just chillin' on my electric keyboard in outer space.
Dude 1: I'm jelly...
Hell to the yes. I want that cat.
Anyways, I also kind of want to talk about Tumblr. I hate how it's been overtaken by just about all of the norms right now. It used to be a place where the weird and unique kids could express their amazingness, but now it's just a place where people copy and paste images and hope to get a lot of random followers who don't even know them. Oh, and Formspring; I'm not a fan of that either. I mean, in reality, it's just people hiding behind a button, and either talking badly about someone, or doing that annoying-overly-complimenting-thing.

Situation 1:
Anon: Yo girl, you a piece of s%*#. You look like you're on drugs because your eyes are so f$^*ing small. You're such a @$*%.  Go get a $#*% life, and hop off my boyfriends dick.
Formspringer: Eww, get off my wall, b%*#@. You stupid anon, too chicken to show yourself. I don't even care what you think about me, you %*_#.  And I like your boyfriends dick . . . c:

Like, first of all, obviously you do care about what said person thinks about you, if you're actually wasting your time to respond to it. You end up looking even worse, and quite trashy.  Just get off.  Go.. :/

Situation 2:
Anon: oOoOoOhM@G@aAwd , guurlfriend, you so hawt! I'm jellin giiiiirl.! I loooove your eyes!
Formspringer: D'aaaaaawh. That's sweet. I bet you're beautiful too, even though I don't even know you, and for all I know you could be a homosexual banana... :D
Anywho, feeling pretty tired so I might actually try to go to bed now? :)
Byeee bloggers :) sweet dreams and all ,


ps: i like this rape tree . . . the dude at the bottom must be having an epic time... :) <3


  1. But penguins are awesome.
    How could you not like them?

  2. And yes, my name shows up as "admin" I am the admin of

    So you better like penguins!
