Anywho, enough of my nerd rant. Today, I had a weird breakthrough moment, I suppose. I started actually THINKING, instead of just doing. Shocking, I know. For those of you reading this who do not know me, I'm not exactly the type of person who thinks things through before I say things, or plans anything. I kind of just say whatever is on my mind, and take life as it comes. I don't live for any other day but today. But today, I actually just sat, and I thought. I thought about absolutely everything imaginable. I made dreams, and hopes for my future. I thought about those who I love. I dissected each aspect of my life, and studied it in full detail. I've come to the conclusion, that my life is actually pretty great.
Most people my age just complain, and whine, and are just kind of ridiculous about their lives. Even people who are so incredibly fortunate do this. They don't realize how lucky they really are. But, I'm starting to.
This probably sound pretty lame, haha.
Anyways, something kind of cool happened earlier this week. So, here's the whole story:
Around mid-October, I sat next to this girl Taylor in my Geography class. She was, and still is, a very good friend of mine. She's one of those people that you just automatically like, due to her positive energy and overly colourful wardrobe. Anyway, we would pass notes during class, talking about the usual teenage topics (school, boys, friends, etc) and we asked advice. We would do this everyday, all class long. It got to a point where we had notebooks full of our stories, our daily adventures, and drawings of our friends. During this point in time, I'd been writing about Danny. I wrote about how similar we are. I wrote about how adorable he was. I wrote about how unique he was. I was definately falling for him, but I was too scared to share these feelings with anyone else. Unfortunately, a little jerkface (he's not actually a jerk, but at the time I was upset) stole all of our notes, and shared them with his friends. However, he didn't know Danny, so I wasn't too worried at the time. Anywho, it's been like 5 months and I had actually forgotten about those notes. A few days ago, while packing up my books and such into my backpack, the "jerkface" approached me and started talking about the notes. As he kept talking, I started to remember all that I had written. My entire thought process was recorded into those notes, and suddenly it all came back to me. I told "jerkface" that I'd been in a relationship for the past 3 months, and a big smile crept on to his face, and jerkface gave me a hug. He said that he knew that this would happen, and that he was really happy. So, for the record, "jerkface" is no longer a jerkface. He's just Alex. :)
Anyways, I thought that was kind of cool..Don't know why I shared it with all of you, but it was just on my mind.
But yes, my movie is still playing so I've got to get back to that, and I'm going to message Danny :)
I'll blog again tomorrow, when it's FRIDAY, and I'm getting down.
Bye Bloggers,
-Zoe :) xx